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Carroll County Farmers Market
Polls > When did you visit the Carroll County Farmers Market?
When did you visit the Carroll County Farmers Market?


 When did you visit the Carroll County Farmers Market?

Date Latest Polls Votes
04-Jan-11 How many years have you been coming to the Market? 79 votes
28-Oct-09 Did you have trouble finding the Farmers Market? 42 votes
28-Oct-09 How far did you travel to come to the Farmers Market? 29 votes
28-Oct-09 Is there something specific you would like to see at the Farmers Market? 30 votes
28-Oct-09 Would you recommend us to a friend? 31 votes
28-Oct-09 What was your favorite thing about the Farmers Market? 39 votes
28-Oct-09 Did you have a positive experience? 29 votes
28-Oct-09 When did you visit the Carroll County Farmers Market? 27 votes